Hey Hey,

Glad you stumbled into my digital playground! I'm Prabhat, the full stack wizard with five years of hacking, coding, and caffeinating under my belt. Think of me as the guy who makes the magic happen behind the scenes, kind of like the tech version of a DC's character, but with fewer capes and more coffee stains.

From cutting-edge frameworks to emerging programming languages, embracing the newest tools and techniques is a driving force behind every project. The excitement of exploring uncharted territories and pushing the boundaries of what's possible fuels a relentless pursuit of excellence. With an insatiable curiosity and a knack for problem-solving, diving headfirst into the latest tech landscape is not just a choice but a calling.

But hey, it's not all about the code! I bring some serious teamwork mojo to the table too. I'm all about fostering camaraderie, cracking jokes, and occasionally partying (oops!).

You can find me here

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